Iesu Cyfaill pechaduriaid (Wela'i'n hongian ar y pren)

(Rhyfeddodau'r Groes)
Iesu Cyfaill pechaduriaid,
  Wela'i'n hongian ar y pren;
Dyn â'r Duwdod ynddo'n trigo,
  Draw yn crymu lawr ei ben!
Gwelaf eto fwy rhyfeddod
  Yn nheilyngdod angau loes,
Hedd yn rhedeg, megys afon,
  Dan ei ddwyfron ar y groes!

Dyma Frenin, dyma Broffwyd,
  Dyma Archoffeiriad mawr;
Brawd a Phriod i bechadur,
  Ceidwad llon
      i lwch y llawr:
Cyfoeth nef yn dod i'r golwg
  Rhwng y lladron ar y pren;
Angau'i hun yn cwrdd â'i angau
  Trwy farwolaeth Crist ein Pen.
William Williams 1717-91

Tôn [8787D]: Hamburgh (J Schop / F Filitz)

  Dyma Frenin dyma brophwyd
  O fy enaid c'od dy olwg
  Priod y drag'wyddol hanfod

(The Wonders of the Cross)
Jesus Friend of Sinners,
  I see hanging on the tree;
Man with God in him dwelling,
  Yonder bowing down his head!
I see yet a greater wonder
  In the worthiness of the throes of death,
Peace running, like a river,
  Under his breast on the cross!

Here is a King, here is a Prophet,
  Here is a great High Priest;
Brother and Spouse to sinners,
  A cheerful Saviour
      for the dust of the ground:
The wealth of heaven coming into view
  Between the thieves on the tree;
Death itself meeting with its death
  Through the mortality of Christ our head.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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